How to Nominate a Charity
Simply fill out the Charity Nomination Form and mail to 100womenbostonnorth@gmail.com.
Nomination Criteria
Only members of 100 Women Who Care Boston North are eligible to nominate a charity. Please review and use the criteria below to ensure that your organization is eligible prior to nominating.
Charity/Non-Profit Criteria
Must have 501(c)(3) status in Massachusetts or (southern) New Hampshire for a minimum of three (3) years under the same name. The organization cannot be a national, international, political, or religious entity;
Organizations who meet the 501(c)(3) requirements based on their “religious” purpose will not be eligible for consideration. 501(c)(3) religious organizations include churches, conventions and associations of churches, integrated auxiliaries of churches, nondenominational ministries, interdenominational and ecumenical organizations, and other entities whose principal purpose is the study or advancement of religion. This also includes schools that are under the umbrella of a religious organization for tax exempt purposes;
Charities must have three (3) years of 990 tax returns on file and be willing to share that information with us if not readily available on their website or GuideStar. In the case of smaller non-profits (annual gross receipts up to $50,000) who file an e-Postcard (Form 990-N), those organizations must be willing to share three (3) years of year-end financial statements with us;
A fund held by a community foundation is eligible to be nominated. Funds must meet the three (3) year minimum status requirement and provide the last three (3) years of quarterly statements from the foundation prior to receiving our funds;
Charitable organizations must be able to provide charitable tax receipts for donations;
Charities must be actively engaged in the community and executing their mission statement;
Guide Star and Charity Navigator are helpful websites to verify information on charities.
Other Charity Nomination Details:
Members of 100 Women Who Care Boston North may nominate deserving organizations at any time;
Organizations awarded the donation have a three-year waiting period of before they are eligible to receive our donation again;
The selected non-profit must agree not to give out member information to any third parties or add them to their mailing list for future solicitation; and
The selected non-profit must agree to send charitable tax receipts to our members. Members are responsible for ensuring their current address is on their check or submitted to the Executive Committee if they want a receipt. 100 WWC is not responsible for sending the tax receipts to members.
100 Women Who Care Boston North reserves the right to amend its policies and guidelines upon the request of its members and at the discretion of its Executive Committee. reserves the right to remove charity nominations that do not meet eligibility criteria. 100 Women Who Care Boston North